Dr. Diane Ozog & Associates
Custom Wordpress Web Design

Let’s face it, everyone has a DVR now a days, and even if we don’t have a DVR, we avoid commercials! The 2.5 to 3.5 minutes between watching an Episode of the Office is perfect amount of time to pop a bag of popcorn. However, the Web has revolutionized how we consume Commercial Advertising, and I vote to go digital with your commercial advertising!
I’ve got 4 reasons why you should go digital.
Limited Commercial Time. Most of these online Commercials are limited to less than 60 seconds total interruption time from what you are watching. Limited Commercial Time = More Engagement. If your tv shows are not being interrupted long enough for you to go to the rest room or pop some popcorn, then you’re more likely to stay. Also, @Ramon_DeLeon, an international speaker and super mind on using Social Media to elivate your business, said that:
Anyone will watch Anything for 30 seconds. Keeping your videos short will ensure people watch them!
– @Ramon_DeLeon the #RamonWOW
So by limiting the obtrusivness of the ad time, people are far more likely to view your commercial.
Forced to Watch. Since the invention of the DVR, everyone fast forwards through the commercials now. With the web, there’s nothing you can do, you have to let the ad run its course.
Handheld Devices. Now that we have Tablets, and Mobile Devices streaming media Anywhere and at Anytime, your ads are more accessible. However, I specifically addressed “Handheld Devices”, there’s further benefit with your ads now. Your ads are in people’s hands, and because their show is only being interrupted 30-60 seconds, they’re even less likely to put it down. Your ads being delivered on a Handheld Device just increases your ad’s engagement and the almost guarantee that you’re actually paying for someone to watch your ad.
Affordability to Small Business Owners. I help Small Business owners market their business, so this is naturally my favorite piece. Until now, Small Business Owners could not afford to advertise via a Commercial.
Now, it’s easier than ever to get a digital camcorder, shoot a simple video and upload it to YouTube. Then, Google makes it very simple and affordable to market your videos through YouTube. Just like all of Google’s other tools for advertising, you can limit how much you spend each day (paying per view), you can pinpoint a fine geographical location of where you want your ad to be seen (ex: 5 mile radius of the zip code 60540), and you can target customers with the specific interest in your ad (so if you’re Giordano’s, you could advertise to those who are searching for keywords like “Pizza”, “Italian Food”, or “Restaurant”).
So to summarize, Commercial Advertising is effective again, but you have to use the Web if you really want to see benefit. Big Media companies like Hulu and YouTube are making the interruption time from what you’re watching less obtrusive (and therefore more welcomed by consumers), we are forced to watch them (there’s no DVR option on the web!), Handheld Devices make the content more interactive and less likely to put down, and, finally, they’re targetable and affordable (so even Small Businesses can use it!).