Friday, Dec 14th 2018
Estimated Hours: 8.25
Tasks Count: 17
- Kelly Social Media sharing image
- ICFP -> InvoiceEstimated Hours: 0.25
- ICFP Follow Up -> SitemapEstimated Hours: 0.25
- ICFP -> next meetingEstimated Hours: 0.25
- follow up on Acorn compliance __Estimated Hours: 0.25
- Noyes Site UpdatesEstimated Hours: 2.5
- Follow up w Chris about payment Estimated Hours: 0.25
- WSEA Revisions to upcoming classesEstimated Hours: 0.5
- Kelly update requestEstimated Hours: 1
- Hard Cabs TweaksEstimated Hours: 0.5
- follow up w camilleEstimated Hours: 0.25
- Follow up with Pat / Eagan _Estimated Hours: 0.25
- Saint Simons QuoteEstimated Hours: 1
- GEPL QuoteEstimated Hours: 0.25
- Follow up with vivaldi __ Estimated Hours: 0.25
- Follow up with MIB __Estimated Hours: 0.25
- FAIR Forms to RickEstimated Hours: 0.25
Published on: December 14, 2018 3:21 pm