Monday, Dec 3rd, 2018
Estimated Hours: 12.5
Tasks Count: 13
Completed Tasks: 8
- Last Fling to naperville city ___Estimated Hours: 2
- Fitlocal December/January Events __Estimated Hours: 0.5
- Kelly for Naperville Updates ___Estimated Hours: 2
- cjones biz card – (11/26/18) ____Estimated Hours: 0.5
- cJones Wellness Site Updates – (11/26/18) ____Estimated Hours: 1
- pack 101 – checks to den leaders _Estimated Hours: 1
- ICFP QUOTE ____Estimated Hours: 0.25
- Communication to Clients > Camille ____Estimated Hours: 0.25
- go through all Last Fling Emails ____Estimated Hours: 1.5
- Follow up w/ Garda ____Estimated Hours: 0.25
- New Microsite Design get approval __Estimated Hours: 0.5
- Look into finances ___Estimated Hours: 0.5
- Zak to reach out to Fabian __Estimated Hours: 0.25
Published on: December 2, 2018 11:34 pm