I spent a lot of time this week trying to gain more insights on the business and my finances (business and personal). I have also been spending a lot of time on trying to get organized and prepare for 2019. As writing this reflection, only 20% of my hours this week were billable.
I schedule too many tasks for myself each day and the ‘estimated hours’ are a lot higher than what is reasonable… basically, I’m setting myself up for failure.
I want to shift my focus from “What would I like to get done today?” to “What do I NEED to get done today?” – focus on the needs first, and then when that’s all handled I can move on to other items.
I’ll note that I only recorded (pre-planned) my to-do items for 2 days this week. A lot of this has to do with having so much left to do from the day or days prior.
I’m still being reactive. My process is getting better and I’m at least paying more attention to priorities, etc. but I need to fully commit to the system to start adjusting my behavior.